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NAC Malaysia

Keine Änderung der Größe, 20:28, 20. Nov. 2020
NAC in Malaysia
Under his care Sabah and Sarawak (East Malaysia) is also included to NAC Malaysia, which is today mainly taken care of by indonesian Apostles and ministers.
The pioneer missionaries from England and Canada are not to be forgotten. We owe much to all the sacrifices they had to make in traveling long distances to build God‘s work in our country. The first of them was Apostle Erry from England, followed by Apostle [[ Wilbert Vovak]], [[Ernst Ernest Vovak]] (USA), [[ Ernst Horn]], [[Leslie Latorcai]], [[Mark Woll]] (Canada). Bishop Weber (Canada) is also to be included into these groups of great men of God working in Malaysia.
It is also to be noted that the late District Apostle Michael Kraus too made a short visit to Malaysia and even performed act of Holy Sealing. NAC Malaysia grew under his loving care and prospered to be self supporting.
Mr. Chhabra is a Punjabi (Indian) by birth and formerly belonged to Sikhism. Mr. Chhabra or well known as District Elder Chhabra was the responsible person who was sent and brought the faith of NAC to Malaysia by the grace of the Lord. Here are some important events that took place before and after he embraced NAC faith.
1970: Mr. Chhabra embraced NAC in Germany when he was on a vacation. He was embraced after he got married to Madam Waltraut (his wife) a German citizen who was already a member of NAC. Mr. Chhabra was attached to his teacher training course in Britain that time.
==Early Church in Malaysia==
